Thanks Fran, as always, for sharing your world and experience with us.

We've been enjoying the birds visiting our garden to feast on the last fruits of the vines and roses while much further overhead we've seen large flocks of Sandhill Cranes and White Pelicans. The pelicans wheeled around in circles for ten minutes overhead - just showing off for us, perhaps.

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Lovely October offerings. It is a strange, melancholic time. The brilliant yet oblique light, as you accurately describe it, leaves such a subtle sadness of endings, it's barely noticeable. But it's there. Our drive up the canyons to see the final days of color left us with this sadness of endings. I especially feel mortal too after the deaths observed in September. Healing is happening, but traces remain and come back to haunt. Maybe that's part of October. The veil is becoming thinner and whispers are more easily heard.

Your daughter's partner truly loves her to make such an effort to gain a copy of that serendipitous photo. Good for her in conquering her fears. Traveling foreign countries is scary enough and undoubtedly gave her the confidence to make the flight home to see her friend. Such devotion and love is around you. Peace to you, Fran.

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