I love the mirror photo! What a moment of serendipity after the waiting and watching.... E.O. Wilson comes to mind... a piece I read one time about lifting a rock or a log and really looking at the microcosm at play. Your redwork quilt is beautiful- those are great characters and seem to bring storybooks and storytelling to mind.

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Kibbutz Usha where I lived for four months in 1976 grew tall pomogranite bushes along the road that fronted the entrance to the kibbutz. Since I arrived there in autumn, it was a few weeks later I saw kibbutzniks harvesting the fruit and included it with the meals in the chadar ochel. I enjoyed eating a few of them and was amazed when I saw how the kibbutz used trees, like olives, not only for shade along the pathways, but also for produce.

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Friends in Portland tell me they used to get pomegranates in the market here, and Robert remembers seeing them in Brooklyn as a child. But they were new to me in my 30s.

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